Advanced Motion Techniques in Cinema 4D and Arnold Renderer - Free Online Course
Curvature shading, Global Matrix nodes in XPresso, layered Deformers and Effectors: Advanced 3D Motion Graphics techniques based on a real client project.
Watch PromoThree techniques from a recent project of mine in three tutorials teaching some more advanced Motion Graphics goodness.
Tutorial 1: Starting easy with a quick procedural technique in Arnold Renderer to make any material glowing red hot incandescent with the Curvature Shader, some Color Correction and a Ramp RGB.
Tutorial 2: A technique combining a MoExtrude with some sweet effectors, a tiny bit of XPresso, and a Mesh Deformer to animate sharp abstract metal spikes over a surface.
Tutorial 3: Stretch out the stars in the night sky to create animated time-lapse style star trails using Cinema 4D and Arnold Renderer.
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Advanced Motion Techniques - Free Online Course
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