Tutorial 2: MoExtrude & Mesh Deform Magic in Cinema 4D

Morphing Metal Pineapple Blob, codename 'Pineapple'.

In this tutorial I'll show you a technique combining a MoExtrude with some sweet effectors, a tiny bit of XPresso, and a Mesh Deformer to get some real sharp metal spikes!

00:00 – Intro

00:22 – How to create a Sphere 😱

00:33 – Setting up a MoExtrude with a Random Effector

01:09 – Fixing the Random Effector not being random

02:10 – Deflating the sphere with a Random Effector as a Deformer

03:09 – Tiny XPresso: Using the Global Matrix

04:03 – How to use the Mesh Deformer for a high-quality mesh

05:22 – Why doesn't the Mesh Deformer work tho…

05:33 – Fixing the Mesh Deformer with a Connect Object

06:00 – Fixing the Mesh Deformer by changing External-mode

06:37 – From Blob to Sphere with falloff in the Mesh Deformer

07:43 – Adding a 'lil extra summin' with the Jiggle Deformer

08:28 – Enjoying our weird spaced-out pineapple-looking blob

Complete and Continue  