Tutorial 1: Make a Volcano with Houdini Heightfields

It's time. For Cinema 4D users who don't know squat about Houdini.

00:00 Intro

00:30 Introduction to the Houdini interface for Cinema 4D users

Navigating the Scene View

Using A & F to frame all and frame selected

Using the Parameters and Network Editor panels

01:50 Creating the Landscape Heightfield

Making and Naming nodes

Going into Houdini nodes

Working with scale in Houdini

Speeding up your Heightfield

05:36 Creating the Landscape Layout

Using the Heightfield Paint node

Plugging nodes into each other

Understanding the Bypass, Lock, Display / Render, and Template Flags in Houdini

How do I get the brush in the Heightfield Paint node?

Using Heighfield Remap node with the Paint Node to add height to the landscape

12:14 Adding detail with Heightfield Noise

Adding hills with Worley (cellular) F1

Prevening the landscape from sinking by unchecking ‘Center Noise’

Masking detail with another Heightfield Paint node

15:27 What actually is erosion?

17:23 Simulating Erosion pass 1!

Millions of years of geology in a few seconds

Heightfield Erode settings for large scale mountains

18:49 How to save a state in Houdini

Use freeze at frame to avoid recalculations

20:18 Increase resolution with Heighfield Resample

21:36 Detail Pass 2

Adding cracks and ravines

23:11 Erosion Pass 2

Tip for speedier look development for yer volcano

Tweaking Thermal Erosion settings for a Fuji Style Mountain

26:44 I f*ck up

27:10 Smoothing out bumpy Lakes

Using the Heighfield Blur node

28:16 Exporting the Landscape

Generating a slope map

Using the Height field export node

Exporting Heightmaps, Water Maps, Debris Maps, and Sediment maps.

What is a Packed Raster image?

Hot to pick file type output in Houdini

33:52 Generating variations of Landscapes

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