Tutorial 5: Phat (and realistic) Clouds with Turbulence FD and C4D

Clouds are the best. And making phat clouds doesn't get easier than this with Turbulence FD and Cinema 4D. This'll be a quick one, so get ready to rip ‘em! 💨

00:00 - Intro

00:21 - Scene set-up

00:32 - STEP1: Setting up a Standard Particle Emitter

01:59 - STEP2: Setting up a TFD Emission Tag

02:21 - What does Velocity Weight do in Turbulence FD?

02:54 - STEP3: Setting up a TFD Container.

04:10 - Why your TFD simulation isn’t showing up in your viewport

04:30 - Sculpting using the simulation settings

06:01 - What does vorticity do in Turbulence FD?

07:04 - STEP4: Creating the base of the Cloud

08:56 - Adding a general messabout

10:35 - Changing the look of the clouds

10:50 - STEP5: Time freezing a TFD Simulation

11:39 - STEP6: Shading the cloud

12:52 - How to speed up any TFD Render in C4D

14:00 - Next up.

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